If you have been falsely accused of molesting a child, you are in for a very rough time. Accusations of abuse, in particular sexual abuse of children, are taken very seriously by law enforcement, and are often treated as being true unless investigation proves them otherwise. For this reason, there are a number of critical things that you need to keep in mind during this difficult time. As such, we have put together a list of the most important things that you need to know. These are not suggestions. If you hope to survive this awful experience, you need to think of this list as your golden code of conduct.
Don’t Say a Word to Anyone!
The law allows you the right to remain silent. USE that right! In many instances it can mean the difference between a not-guilty verdict and years spent behind bars. It is very important that you not answer any questions asked by police officers, detectives, investigators, social workers, CPS case workers or ANYONE else who wants to discuss your case. Also, don’t talk to friends, family or clergy about the case. The ONLY person you should be talking to is your attorney.
Far too many people have been led to believe that they will be believed and treated fairly, if they are willing to tell their side of the story. Later, however, they discover that some official is claiming that they ‘made a confession’. It doesn’t matter how friendly, helpful or understanding they appear to be, or how much they promise you that it’s “just a little misunderstanding that needs clearing up.” DON’T SAY ANYTHING. Politely request your attorney and say that you decline to comment without your attorney being present. Then keep your lips sealed until we arrive.
Don’t Talk to Your Friends or Family Either!
Yes, we know, this seems counter-intuitive. After all, these people care about you and want to help. But authorities aside, you still should not say anything to ANYONE that pertains in any way to the allegations against you, or to ‘your side of the story’. These people can be compelled to testify in court by the prosecutor. Shut up!
What you say can, and probably will, be used against you in some way that you cannot foresee. No matter how tempted you may be to ‘set the record straight’ with friends or coworkers, or to let people know your side of the story so that they don’t think poorly of you, don’t! We cannot stress this enough. Zip your lips shut!
Don’t talk to anyone unless your attorney advises that you do. So many people have tried to help their own cases by explaining why they’re really innocent. In the process, however, they made some unwitting comment that the prosecutor later twisted around and used to get them convicted. So no matter how much they ask, you MUST refuse to discuss your case with anyone.
Take This Seriously – Because The Cops Certainly Are!
It’s easy to make the mistake of thinking that because you’re innocent, the charges aren’t really serious, or won’t be carried through to the point of conviction. Sadly, that is almost never the case. This is not a joke, and you need to treat it with the gravity and sobriety it deserves. Brushing it off, or refusing to engage and fight for your rights could land you in prison for life.
There are many people over the years, who have ended up behind bars because they didn’t take the charges against them seriously enough. Don’t make that mistake! Charges of sexual abuse or child molestation are very serious and can result in significant prison time, and being a registered sex offender for life. Innocent or not, you CAN be convicted of a crime you didn’t commit and sentenced to prison. It happens more often than you realize. So don’t make the mistake of not taking this seriously and end up as a tragic statistic. Lots of prisoner made that mistake already.
Call The Kronzek Firm Immediately!
As experienced sex crime defense attorneys, we have represented countless falsely accused people over the decades. Nothing is more heartbreaking than watching someone struggle against false accusations and lies that are believed simply because someone spoke them out loud. So if you or a loved one have been falsely accused of molesting a child, you are going to need a highly skilled defense attorney protecting your rights and ensuring that you get the best defense possible. Call us today at 866-766-5245. We can help you.