If you look up the term “pimp” in the urban dictionary, you’ll encounter uses like, “he was all pimped out in some crazy velvet outfit” or “I pimped my ride with these new phat tires and sweet rims!” It may sound like a strange use of the word, but the idea behind it is that ‘pimping’ something is to showcase it by making it look better than it really is.
Which, when you think about it, is pretty much what “pimping” is, when it happens in a sexual context – pimps make the work look more appealing to young victims in order to draw them in, and sell the experience as being more exciting than it will be to potential customers for money. But that’s just salesmanship, right? Why is it illegal here in Michigan?
Pandering is against the law in Michigan.
Pimping, which is sometimes called ‘pandering’ or ‘procuring,’ is illegal in Michigan. Why? For many reasons. Primary among them, is because it tends to go hand-in-hand with other activities that are also illegal in Michigan. In addition to horrific human trafficking, here are the most common ones:
- Since prostitution is illegal in Michigan, it stands to reason that profiting from the earnings of someone who is breaking the law, and facilitating an illegal practice, would also be illegal.
- Pimps are widely known for providing their “girls” (the prostitutes who work for them) with drugs. Many prostitutes struggle with substance abuse as a direct result of the life they are trapped in. However, the purchase, possession, and distribution of drugs is illegal in Michigan.
- Pimps are also widely known to use force, and fear of force, to get the young men and women working for them to comply with their orders. This usually comes in the form of an assault, which is said to be ‘discipline.’. Assault is illegal in Michigan, regardless of how or why it happens.
- Pimps are known to engage in Fraud, which can happen in many different ways. From taking a prostitutes’ money under the pretense of keeping it safe for her, or feigning romantic interest in order to get her to engage in prostitution, both are considered a type of fraud.
Both men and women can be pimps!
When people envision a pimp, they tend to think of the Halloween costume version – with a brightly coloured velvet suit and giant hat – or the kind they’ve seen in movies, which are usually men. But being a pimp isn’t gender specific. While the term “pimp” is usually only used for men, women can, and often do, fulfil that role as well. The only difference is that they are called ‘madams.’
Being accused of a sex crime is very serious in Michigan!
It doesn’t matter where you come from in Michigan, whether it’s Lansing, Berrien, Grand Rapids, Port Huron or the Allegan County area, being charged with a sex crime means trouble! If you’re facing sex crime charges, or a loved one is being accused of prostitution, pandering or any other sex related crime, call us immediately at 866 766 5245 (866 7No Jail).
The skilled and experienced sex crime defense attorneys at The Kronzek Firm have decades of combined experience, and have navigated countless successful cases on behalf of their Michigan clients over the years. So don’t wait. Call us right now and let us help you!