The Kronzek Firm

Internet sex crimes are crimes committed while online that are sexual in nature. If you have been accused of an internet sex crime in Michigan, you may wonder what kinds of internet sex crimes there are. The Kronzek Firm has been involved in sex crime litigation for nearly 30 years and we can be reached by calling 866 7NoJail.
Blackmail & Sex Crimes: “Sextortion”
With the rise in the use of the internet, it is easier and easier to be falsely accused of “sextortion” or the use of the internet to blackmail people or gain sexual favors. Wrongful accusation of this type of activity is embarrassing. Hiring an aggressive criminal defense attorney in Michigan can help defend your innocence.
A skilled sex assault defense attorney can also represent you in other Michigan internet sex crime cases involving child pornography or “sexting.” Our team of sex assault defense attorneys has handled cases all over the lower peninsula in Michigan from Ann Arbor to Grand Rapids to Montmorency County to Lansing to Metro Detroit. We have represented teachers, physicians, lawyers, students, factory workers and even police officers.
Child Pornography
Child pornography, under Michigan law, is a visual depiction of a minor child engaging in sexual activities. Even visiting a website that hosts images of child pornography can lead to a charge of possession of kiddie porn which is also known as child sexually abusive material (CSAM).
If you are charged with possession of child pornography, the police may use your internet history against you. Also, the police will likely take and search your electronics like your computer or your phone. Kiddie porn charges in Michigan are often accompanied by an additional crime called using a computer to commit a crime.
If you took a photograph of a minor, even if you didn’t know that the person was a minor, you could be charged with production of child pornography. This is true, even if the person misled you into thinking that they were older.
If you were to send those images to anyone else, you could be charged with distribution of child pornography. This is true for nude photos or language sent to a minor.
Texting with Sexual Content: “Sexting”
One of the easiest ways to communicate is through texting. Most people think that their conversations through text or instant message are private, but this is not the case when there are minors involved in the communication. If it is between two consenting adults, sexting is not illegal under Michigan law.
However, sending a sexually explicit message or image can lead to sex crime charges.
Internet sex crime charges are serious. Diligent, thorough, and tireless advocacy can help you get the best outcome for your case! We’ve been fighting these false allegations since the last century.
Get help from our highly rated sex crime attorneys at The Kronzek Firm!
If you are facing any of these serious allegations, you will benefit from expert help. Here at The Kronzek Firm, our skilled sex crime defense attorneys have spent decades defending individuals against sex crime allegations and charges. So if you live in Lansing, Brighton, Gratiot or Battle Creek, call 866 766 5245 today, and get help now. We are available 24 / 7 for emergencies or crisis intervention!