The trial has finally begun for Bill Cosby, the man whom America fell in love with during his comedy heydays in the 80s and 90s. But those days are gone. Cosby (“The Coz”) is now a deeply controversial figure, who has been embroiled in what seems like an endless sexual assault scandal involving many alleged victims.
Taking Cosby to trial is no easy feat. He may have been spry at the time that the alleged sexual assaults occurred, but that was then and this is now. At 78 years of age, Cosby is no spring chicken, and his failing eyesight due to keratoconus adds layers of complication to the issue, as it has left him both legally and functionally blind in recent years. Currently, he uses a cane to walk, and needs a constant companion when out and about in public, lest he fall and hurt himself.
The prosecutor’s Office isn’t daunted, however. The trial began on Monday morning in the Montgomery County Courthouse in Norristown, Pennsylvania. Judge Steven T. O’Neill, who is presiding, has forecast a two-week trial, however things are already moving quickly.
Although Cosby has been accused of sexual assault by more than 40 women, many of whom claim that he drugged them before sexualy assaulting them. However this trial stems from a single woman’s accusation – that of Andrea Constand. The former Temple University employee claims that years aog,, she was drugged and sexually assaulted by Cosby, a man whom she says she trusted at the time.
According to Constand, who provided hours of testimony yesterday, Cosby was a friend and mentor to her during that period in her life. She said he helped and advised her, and she looked up to him. However, she also states that in 2004, Cosby drugged and sexually assaulted her at his Pennsylvania home.
In earlier depositions, Cosby described himself and Andrea Constand as very good friends.
He described many evenings where she joined him for dinner, conversation, and “sex play”, which he says they stopped short of intercourse lest she develop feelings for him. He does admit that the occasions when this “sex play” took place, he gave her alcohol and unidentified pills.
Cosby has also admitted, during a 2005 civil suit, to purchasing quaaludes for women he hoped to have sex with. However, according to Constand and her attorneys, she is gay, and never engaged willingly in sexual situations with Cosby of her own volition. She also says that Cosby knew this, because she was dating a woman at the time that the alleged sexual assault took place. The defense team for The Coz has spent hours during cross examination exposing many conflicts in the testimony that Constand has provided over the years. Her credibility has been repeatedly impeached by the defense.
Cosby has been charged with three counts of felony aggravated indecent assault. Under Pennsylvania law, which is very different from Michigan law, aggravated indecent assault means:
- The offender did not have the other person’s consent.
- They used force or threatened to use force.
- The contact had sexual intent.
- The alleged victim may have been unconscious or unaware of what was happening.
- Drugs or alcohol could have been used to make the alleged victim unaware.
- The alleged victim may have had a mental disability that made them unable to consent.
- The offender made contact with a child younger than 13.
- The offender made contact with a between 13 and 15, and is 20 or older and not married to the victim.
We will continue to watch the trial and keep you updated as things develop. Until then, if you or a family member or loved one have been accused of a sex crime in Michigan, call The Kronzek Firm at 866 766 5245 immediately. We are available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week to talk about your case and provide you with exceptional advice in your time of crisis.