It’s happened several times recently. Enough to leave people wondering what exactly the feds are doing that they’re working so hard to cover up. Because that certainly seems to be what’s happening here. Not sure what we’re talking about? Lately the federal government has been dropping child pornography cases left and right, rather that reveal in court the methods they used to get the incriminating info in the first place. So at this point, people are assuming that they’ve got something to hide. So what’s going on with kiddie porn cases anyway?
Investigations reveal that there’s something fishy going on…
Propublica, a nonprofit journalism organization, did an extensive investigation and revealed that over a dozen child porn cases had been dismissed since 2011. The reasons listed in all cases were either the findings of the FBI’s software being challenged, or because the agency (and in some cases the private company who created the software) refused to share the computer programs with defense attorneys. And that was just the cases that got dismissed. There were many more instances where issues were raised over the agency’s use of the software they refused to reveal or explain. The criminal defense team at The Kronzek Firm has 25 years of experience fighting sex crime charges and we’re very suspicious about what the government is up to right now.
What happens when prosecutors can’t or won’t back up their claims?
On the one hand it sounds like a dream come true – federal child porn charges getting dismissed not because you were finally able to prove your innocence, but because the feds are hiding their technology and they won’t share the details. But it’s not. Because in the process of bringing charges against you, your name is smeared, your reputation is destroyed, and you spend a small fortune in lawyers fees trying to fight the allegations. And in the end it all amounts to nothing. You may not have been convicted, but the damage is already done. Very suspicious in the eyes of our criminal defense team.
But that’s only one side of the coin…
There’s also a growing concern that by not sharing trade secrets with defense attorneys, and dropping cases instead, the FBI is allowing child pornographers to go free. “When protecting the defendant’s right to a fair trial requires the government to disclose its confidential techniques, prosecutors face a choice. Each option has a cost.” explains Orin Kerr, a former Justice Department lawyer. “If prosecutors give up the prosecution, it may very well mean that a guilty person goes free. If prosecutors give up the secret, it may hurt their ability to catch other criminals. (They) have to choose which of those outcomes is less bad in each particular case.”
Federal child porn charges are no joke!
Michigan has very strict child pornography laws, but even our laws don’t come close to being as harsh as the federal kiddie porn laws. In fact, state prosecutors and local cops sometimes hand over their cases to the feds, simply to ensure that the defendant gets a harsher penalty in the end! So if you’ve been accused of having child sexually abusive material (kiddie porn) by the feds, don’t count on them dropping the case! Instead, call The Kronzek Firm at 866 766 5245 right now and get help from some of Michigan’s most aggressive and hard working sex crime defense attorneys around! We can be reached at 1 866 7NoJail. You can email us at: contactus@kronzek.law