Michigan’s sex offender registry has made headlines many times in recent years. Sometimes it’s because they’re not complying with federal regulations, and sometimes it’s because people’s rights have been violated in some way by the process.
But whatever the reason, it’s almost never good. So it should come as no surprise that the registry is back in the news again – this time because the American Civil Liberties Union is suing them for (once again) violating the rights of people unjustly put on the registry.
So what has the state of Michigan done wrong this time?
The lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court last year in June. (FYI: There are more than 40,000 convicted sex offenders being represented by the ACLU in suits against Michigan!) This particular suit demands that the lifetime registry requirements be lifted from certain listed offenders.
And why exactly should those requirements be listed, you wonder? According to the ACLU and the Michigan residents they represent, being unjustly required to register as sex offenders for life has made living life considerably harder for these people, and that simply isn’t fair. Especially given the fact that they should never have been made “lifers” to begin with.
Is the state of Michigan in compliance with court orders?
Two years ago the Sixth Circuit Court in Michigan ruled that the state’s changes to the law, which retroactively put people on the list for life, were unconstitutional. But despite that ruling, nothing has changed. The ACLU says that keeping certain people on the list for life is unconstitutional, but the Michigan State Police say they are completely in compliance with the law.
After the ruling MSP said they informed local law enforcement that retroactively enforcing the requirements of the registry could be a violation of the law. But once someone has been added to the list, it would require changes to the law to have them removed. And despite their efforts to address the problem with legislators, MSP says nothing has happened and their hands are tied.
People’s rights are being violated as you read this!
When it comes to the sex offender registry, it’s easy to get caught up in legal jargon, but the reality is that people’s rights are violated every day in Michigan by a byzantine system. Even when the court points out that something is unethical and unconstitutional about the way Michigan’s sex offender registry strips people of their rights, nothing changes. People’s privacy is invaded, their rights are violated, and they’re denied access to all sorts of freedoms and benefits.
So what can we do about it?
In truth, there’s not much you or we can do about it. But there is one thing that is entirely within your control when it comes to your future, and your chances for being put on Michigan’s sex offender registry: If you’re ever accused of a sex crime, DON’T leave it to chance! Call The Kronzek Firm at 866 766 5245 (866 7No Jail) and talk to one of our experienced sex crime defense attorneys. We’re available 24/7 to help you protect your rights and fight to keep you off the Michigan sex offender registry!