How to Avoid a Sex Crime Conviction in Michigan! (Pt 1)
Being accused of a sex crime in Michigan is a life-changing event, which is why you need to take ANY kind of sex crime allegation very seriously. If anyone accuses you of a sex crime, whether it’s statutory rape, child molestation, or some other kind of sexual assault, you can’t just hope it’ll go away…
How Can You Tell if a Person is Too Young to be in Your Porn? (Pt 2)
Welcome back and thanks for joining us again. We’ve been discussing the tricky issue of child porn, and how you can tell if the actors in your porn are actually old enough to consent to what they’re doing. As we mentioned in the previous article, porn found online could be from anywhere, and you have…
How Can You Tell if a Person is Too Young to be in Your Porn? (Pt 1)
One of the greatest difficulties for users, when it comes to online pornography, is the fact that it’s essentially impossible to know anything about your product. Where was it filmed? Who are the people involved in it’s production? Was it legally created? Who are the actors, and are they of consenting age or are they…
Can a Federal Judge Force Michigan to Rewrite Our Sex Offender Registry Laws? Yes Indeed! (Pt 2)
Welcome back and thanks for joining the criminal defense attorneys at The Kronzek Firm. We’ve been discussing the amazing ruling handed down recently by U.S. District Court Judge Robert Cleland, who has been pushing Michigan to change our unconstitutional sex offender registry laws for some time now. As we explained in the previous article, this…
Can a Federal Judge Force Michigan to Rewrite Our Sex Offender Registry Laws? Yes Indeed! (Pt 1)
Michigan’s sex offender registry has been a source of enormous controversy for years now! The state has been sued repeatedly for unconstitutional laws that violate people’s rights, and numerous inflammatory articles were written on the subject. But nothing changed. Then in August of 2016, the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati (which has…
Sexual Harassment Claims Popping up All Over in The Michigan House And Senate!
Multiple women in the Michigan Senate are speaking up against what they call the “good ‘ol boy’s club” that exists within the Michigan Legislature. Claims of inappropriate sexual comments, lingering touches, and uncomfortable innuendoes have been cropping up like mushrooms after a heavy rain. And it all started with State Senator Mallory McMorrow, who recently…
Is Revenge Porn Protected Under First Amendment Rights? Maybe in Illinois!
This is a really interesting story about a woman who believes that sharing naked pictures of her ex fiance’s other girlfreind is part of her right to free speech. But is revenge porn covered under First Amendment rights? Is posting revenge porn online a First Amendment right? Matthew Rychlik and Bethany Austin, an engaged couple…
Grand Rapids Man Claims It’s His Constitutional Right to Own Child Pornography!
Having just shared with you some interesting information about revenge porn laws coming under fire as unconstitutional because they may violate First Amendment rights to free speech, this is another interesting case with a potentially similar perspective. A man in Grand Rapids, Michigan, is claiming that it’s his constitutional right to own child pornography. Why?…
The Attorney General is Making Good on Her Promise to ‘Clean up The Clergy’ in Michigan!
Attorney General Dana Nessel’s vow to clean up the clergy and hold the Roman Catholic Church accountable for covering up sex crimes against children began because of an explosive grand jury hearing in Pennsylvania. That investigation revealed over a thousand children who were abused by priests. The church then later covered up the sex assaults,…
Why do There Seem to be More Sex Assaults Around The Holiday Times?
Several things seem to go up around the holidays, and no – we’re not talking about people’s blood pressure (although folks do seem to be more stressed out at Christmas time!). We’re talking about criminal activities. Look at the stats and you’ll notice that there’s an exponential rise in drunk and drugged driving incidents, burglaries,…