Brian B. Fawcett, a 58-year-old man from Chesaning, has been accused of sexually molesting two teen girls over a period of several years. According to investigators, the two girls are related to Fawcett by marriage. Months later, his wife was also arrested for allegedly not protecting the girls, despite supposedly knowing about the sexual assault. This is how it allegedly happened…
Fawcett was first accused of molesting one female relation, then another.
According to Saginaw County Sheriff’s Department, on April 20th, Fawcett was arraigned on single counts of First Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct with a relation, and Second Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct. First Degree CSC is punishable by up to life in prison, while Second Degree is a fifteen year felony. The girl in question is apparently 15, and the charges are said to stem from a three day period last year in November.
Just five days later, however, a new set of charges were brought against him, after a second teen came forward with allegations that he molested her as well. The second girl, also a relation by marriage, claims that Fawcett began molesting her in late 2014, when she was 12-year-old, and continued through November 2017. Investigators say there may be additional victims, and the investigation is still ongoing. He is now facing three additional counts of First Degree CSC with a relation. Because the alleged victim is under 13 years old, if Fawcett is convicted of raping this child, the judge is required to sentence him to at least 25 years in prison.
Now, months later, cops say his wife knew about it!
40-year-old Dhiannah E. Fawcett, Brian Fawcett’s wife, is now being accused of having known about the molestation, but police say she did nothing to protect the girls. The prosecutor hasn’t released any details about why they believe Dhiannah Fawcett know about her husband’s alleged activities with the teens. But this certainly wouldn’t be the first time someone is accused of being complicit in a family member’s sex assault crime, even if they had no idea what was going on.
Deputies from the Saginaw County Sheriff’s Office arrested Dhiannah Fawcett. The very next morning, she was arraigned before District Judge David Hoffman on a single count of Second Degree Child Abuse, which is punishable by up to 10 years in prison. She has since been granted a $10,000 personal recognizance bond, which also forbids her to have any contact with minors.
Crime affects everyone in the family, not just the defendant!
Being accused of a sex crime affects everyone in the family, not just the person accused. In this case, the person accused of criminal activity was charged, and then their spouse was accused of knowing about it and doing nothing to stop it. However there are lots of other ways that an arrest can affect the whole family. Loss of income if the breadwinner in behind bars is the most common, but there’s also the social stigma of having a spouse or parent facing rape and child molestation charges. One person being charged with a sex crime always impacts the lives of many other people as well.
If you or a loved one have been accused of a sex crime, and need an aggressive, experienced, and tenacious sex crime defense attorney, contact us today at 866 766 5245 (866 7No Jail). Protecting yourself, protecting your rights, and protecting your family are all very important in the wake of sex crime charges, and can only be done by a highly skilled defense attorneys. Our team has been defendant against sex crime allegations since the last century.