Pedophilia – it’s a word that causes an almost instant reaction in people. Anger, disgust, pity, even sorrow. However, these are the reactions of the people who stand on the outside, looking in. Have we ever asked ourselves what a person struggling with pedophilia feels when they think about their own proclivities? Do they feel anger at themselves? Disgust at their desires? Pity, or even sorrow at the fact that they are unlike others, and cannot change? It may not be a question you’ve ever asked, but if we did…
Do you remember the first time you realized that you were attracted to someone else? For most kids this happens in the later years of elementary school. Given the early awareness of attraction, have you ever wondered what it would be like if your attractions to others never matured along with the rest of your classmates’? If your first inklings of sexual attraction began in fifth grade and never developed past this stage? Awful, right? Yet this is the struggle that many pedophiles face, including here in Michigan.
For the average pedophile, their romantic interests never mature and progress naturally, the ways their peer’s interest do. In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, this is described as an intense, recurrent sexual focus on children, which becomes a disorder once acted upon, causing distress and other problems between people.
For most people, pedophilia is very difficult to understand, and therefore very difficult to have sympathy for. Most individuals grew up having socially acceptable sexual interests. After all, people normally prefer others in a similar age bracket. However, this is why pedophiles struggle so much. Currently, Michigan has more than 40,000 people on it’s sex offender registry, many of whom are classified as pedophiles. That’s a lot of struggling people!
We all understand the import that sexual desire has on our lives. After all, sex plays a critical role in relationships, identity, religion, and many other vital aspects of our life. For someone whose sexual preferences have not matured and developed as they should, this can be devastating. However, seeking treatment for this issue is almost unheard of, as pedophilia is treated with such revulsion that most sufferers do not seek out help to address their problems.
As a result, many pedophiles repress their desires, and try to find secretive ways to manage their urges.
This in turn results in the wide use of child pornography, which affords the consumer the illusion of privacy. That is, until law enforcement catches up to them and their terrible secret is exposed for all the world to see. The legal system largely ignores sexual attraction toward children until a crime has been committed. The problem with this approach is that it centers on punishment instead of addressing the real issues at hand – cause and treatment.
Perhaps it’s time we took a good, long look at exactly what pedophilia is, and whether or not there are other solutions available to those people who suffer with chronically underdeveloped sexual desires. Maybe if we can set aside our emotional responses long enough to dig into this extremely difficult topic, we may find that there are other, better solutions. Solutions that offer people help before they victimize others, and end up behind bars.
Join us next time, as we begin the process of unpacking pedophilia, look at current research on the subject, and talk about possible solutions. It won’t be comfortable, and it won’t be fun, we understand. It is, however, very important – both for the sake of the many people suffering in silence, and for the sake of the children who could be saved before they are harmed.
Until then, if you or a loved one have been accused of a sex crime in Michigan, whether it’s sexual assault of a minor, molestation or rape, we are here to help you. No matter what your circumstances are, you are going to need to have the right legal defense team. Our history of successful defenses throughout Michigan is a testament to our hard work, commitment and dedication to our clients and their freedom. Call us today at 866-766-5245. We can help!