Welcome back. In our previous, introductory article about online sex crimes in Michigan, we explained how a sex crime and an online crime can be one-and-the-same. We also looked at the most common form of cyber sex crime that’s prosecuted here in Michigan: child pornography. Moving on, we are going to discuss the other two – revenge porn and prostitution.
What counts as an online sex crime in Michigan:
Although prostitution refers to two people having sex in exchange for money, where one provides the cash and the other agrees to participate in sexual acts in return, the rise of the internet has changed how this interaction takes place.
Nowadays, almost all escort and prostitution services are offered online. You have only to read about the controversies surrounding websites like Craigslist and Backpage to see that online prostitution is alive and well. It makes it easier for pimps (or the escorts themselves) to reach a wide audience, and provide the necessary descriptions and contact information to potential users.
Prostitution, just like pimping (which is referred to as Pandering) are both illegal in Michigan. This means that whether the interaction takes place over the internet, or in person, if you are caught you will face serious criminal charges. A person convicted of prostitution in Michigan can face anywhere from 2 to 20 years in prison.
Revenge Porn:
While prostitution is sometimes called the oldest profession, revenge porn is a very recent phenomenon. It refers to the act of uploading and making public, sexually explicit images and videos of someone, without their consent, as an act of revenge. In some cases, the images are shared privately with others, while sometimes it means creating a false ‘escort advertisement’ on a site like Backpage or Craigslist, and posting sexually explicit images, along with personal information.
In Michigan it is against the law to post a nude or sexually explicit image of another person online without their permission. Even if the motivation isn’t revenge, sharing private and potentially compromising images of people without their consent will result in criminal charges. Because the sharing of revenge porn includes the use of a computer or mobile device and the internet, there is always the chance that in addition to revenge porn charges, the perpetrator will also be charged with Use of a Computer to Commit a Crime.
Michigan police officers and prosecutors take a very dim view of sex crimes, whether they involve computers or not. This can mean extremely harsh punishments for those who are unlucky enough to be convicted of a sex crime in Michigan. So if you or a loved one have been charged with a sex crime, whether or not it involves the use of a computer, you need to contact us immediately at 866 766 5245.
The Kronzek Firm criminal defense team has a long history of aggressively defending internet sex crime cases, both in and out of the courtroom . We utilize various expert witnesses specializing in computer technology and other areas that allow us to provide a state of the art criminal defense. Over our nearly quarter century history, we have produced many impressive case results for our clients, including dismissals and acquittals.