Computer crimes is a blanket term that covers a wide array of crimes. Everything from hacking and fraud, to identity theft and even cyber-bullying are all online activities that can result in some form of criminal charge. But the type of online crime we would like to cover with you today is sex crimes as well as what the law has to say about it in Michigan.
It may seem strange to imagine that a sex crime and an online crime can be the same thing – after all, sex is a physical activity that involves people, so how can it be an online crime? Well, although the traditional definition of sex included (usually) two people who were in physical contact with one another, in this modern world that is no longer necessary for an interaction to count as sexual.
In this two part series we would like to break down for our readers the type of sex crimes that usually involve the use of a computer and the internet. Being charged with using a computer to commit a crime likely means that the criminal defendant was communicating with an underage person.
What types of crimes can be committed online, or with a computer, that could fall into the category of ‘sex crimes’?
Child Pornography:
The most common cyber crime that is also a sex crime would be kiddie porn or child porngraphy. Whether a person is possessing it, sharing it, or selling it, almost all child pornography these days is shared online through private, member-only websites. This can make it more difficult to find for law enforcement officials who are searching for criminals.
Under Michigan law, child pornography is referred to as Child Sexuallly Abusive Material (CSAM). This includes any images or recordings of a person who is under the age of 18 engaging in illicit sexual activity. This means intercourse, erotic fondling, sadomasochistic abuse, masturbation, passive sexual involvement, sexual excitement, or erotic nudity.
Although most people think of child pornography as being sexual images of young children (and this variety certainly exists), there are also a large number of pornographic images of teen girls who may appear to be old enough for the activity they are engaged in. This can sometimes make it harder for authorities to determine if the images are legal or not. Note that the picture or image does not have to be a real human being; it can simple be the likeness of a real person.
Another way in which the digital world and content that is sexual in nature intersect, is through sexting. There have been numerous cases in recent years involving teens who’ve engaged in sexting, sharing naked images of themselves, only to later be charged with Distributing or Possessing Child Pornography.
Join us next time, as we look at the other two most common form of sex crimes that include the use of computers and the internet – revenge porn and prostitution. Until then, if you or a loved one have been charged with a sex crime, whether or not it involves the use of a computer, you need to contact us immediately at 866 766 5245.
At The Kronzek Firm, we maintain an in-house legal research team, and have a staff of very seasoned criminal defense trial attorneys ready to assist you. We also maintain an extensive network of scientific experts, trial consultants, and private detectives with various types of expertise important to this type of litigation. We have achieved many successful results for our clients over the years. We can help you too.