Tier 3 Sex Crime Convictions
Michigan Sex Crime Attorneys
In July of 2011, Michigan’s sex offender registration laws changed. Convicted sex offenders on the registry are categorized into one of three tiers, with Tier 3 being the most serious tier.
Michigan’s Tier 3 crimes include:
- Subsequent Tier I or Tier II crimes committed by someone who has already been convicted of a Tier I or Tier II crime
- Criminal Sexual Conduct (CSC) 1st degree
- CSC 3rd degree
- CSC 2nd degree against a victim under age 13
- CSC 4th degree committed by defendant aged 17 or older against a victim under age 13
- Assault with intent to commit penetration (CSC 1st degree or CSC 3rd degree)
- Assault with intent to commit CSC 2nd degree against a victim under age 13
- Kidnapping against a minor
- Gross indecency against a victim under age 13
- Kidnapping a victim under age 14
- A substantially similar offense to the ones described above under the laws of another jurisdiction
- An attempt or conspiracy to commit any of the above
Tier 3 requires lifetime registration, even for people who were originally faced with only 25 years of registration before this change in the law. Tier 3 registrants must verify their information at the police station four times each year. This registration occurs between January 1 and January 15, between April 1 and April 15, between July 1 and July 15, and between October 1 and October 15. The courts have ruled that any increase in the period of time that is required for registration does not violate the Constitution’s ex post facto prohibition.
Some people on Tier 3 will be eligible to petition for immediate removal from the sex offender registry or a length reduction.