Pandering Prostitution


In Michigan, both prostitution and pandering are crimes. Pandering is the legal term for the job of a “pimp.” Michigan Compiled Law 750.455 defines pandering as encouraging, enticing, or forcing a woman to become a prostitute, or live in a prostitution house or other such place that practices prostitution.


A person who panders might coerce the woman into prostitution by threatening violence or by using fraud. Often, the panderer gives money to or receives money from the person he/she is trying to solicit to become a prostitute.


Pandering is a serious crime and being convicted of it may result in up to twenty years in prison. Someone convicted of pandering is considered a Tier 2 sex offender and will be listed on Michigan’s Public Sex Offender Registry for 25 years.


Because this list is public, those listed often face backlash from their friends, family, employers, etc. Being listed on Michigan’s Sex Offender Registry will seriously sever relationships and hurt employment opportunity.


Our team of attorneys at The Kronzek Firm are experts on sex crime defense because we have some of the best criminal defense attorneys in Michigan. We have successfully defended many clients, receiving either a verdict of not guilty, or reduced charges and light sentences.


Our warrior attorneys are determined and tenacious and are ready to help you with your sex crime charge. We’ve been defending people in Michigan for nearly a quarter of a century. We can help you too.


Contact us today about your sex crime matter:
