Hi there, and thanks for joining us for the wrap up on the subject of Michigan’s Sex Offender Registry. If you remember from our previous articles, we’ve already covered the recent changes in the law that allow certain people to have their names taken off the public Michigan Sex Offender Registry, and the basics of “Romeo and Juliet” offenders.
Moving on, we’re going to look at the Tier system used in Michigan to categorize registered sex offenders, and how this can influence your chances of getting your name removed from the sex offender registry. So as not to drown you in info, we’re just going to do a brief overview. If you have any questions, or want more details, we recommend you ask an experienced sex crime defense attorney.
There are three tiers on the sex offender registry here in Michigan
Since Michigan’s sex offender laws changed on July 1, 2011, all sex crimes now have to be classified as Tier I, Tier II, or Tier III. Tier 1 are the sex offenders considered to be the least serious, while Tier lll offenders are considered to be the greatest risks to the community, because their crimes were the most heinous. However, depending on which tier a crime is categorizes into will affect if, and for how long, your name stays on Michigan’s sex offender registry.
Tier I is the lowest (least serious) rung on the ladder
For example, Tier I offenders convicted of a single Tier I offense won’t be placed on the registry. Instead, those names get put onto a private law enforcement registry. Also, after July 1st, 2001, no juvenile Tier I offenders (aged 14 through 16) will be placed on the registry. However, if you were already on the public registry as a Tier I offender, there are certain requirements you can meet in order to have your attorney petition to have your name removed.
These requirements include things like successfully finishing parole, not being convicted of any crimes after your release, and completing any rehabilitation programs ordered by the court. Again, if you have questions, consult with a Sex Crime Attorney or read more at MichiganSORA.com.
Tier II and III have a harder time being removed from the public sex offender registry
The higher you get on the Tier levels, the harder it is to have your name removed from the Sex Offender Registry. Like Tier I, Tier II and III offenders who are between the ages of 14 and 16, and committed their crimes after the law changed in 2001, their names will only be placed on a private registry accessible to law enforcement, not on the publicly accessible registry. (Tier III names stay on that list for life, though!)
However, for those people who were convicted before the laws changed, there are still conditions they can meet in order to petition for removal. But it’s no joke – being convicted of a serious sex crime in Michigan makes it very difficult to get your name taken off the Sex Offender Registry. Not impossible, mind you, just difficult. Judges vary from county to county so again, speak to an experienced sex crime attorney for more information.
How do I find out if I’m eligible for removal from the registry?
This part is easy. Download our preliminary form here, fill it out completely (don’t leave any unanswered questions!), and mail it to our offices along with a money order or certified check for $90 (made payable to THE KRONZEK FIRM). Our mailing address at the main office is:
The Kronzek Firm PLC
420 South Waverly Road, #100
Lansing, Michigan 48917
Once we get your form and the fee, we’ll review your record. One of our experienced sex crime defense attorneys will get back to you within 10 days with information about your eligibility, and explain what your options are. However, as we’ve explained before, the best way to make sure your name doesn’t end up on the sex offender registry, is to make sure it never gets there in the first place! So if you’ve been accused of a sex crime, call us immediately at 866 766 5245 (866 7No Jail). We have a long record of success on behalf of our clients in the lower peninsula of Michigan, and we can help you too. We’ve represented thousands of clients over the decades and you can see our strong track record.