If you follow our blog here at The Kronzek Firm’s sex crimes website (or read the news), then you already know some of the details of the R Kelly case. As we shared with you back in February, R Kelly, the world-renown singer, songwriter, record producer, and former professional basketball player is in the middle of a professionally devastating sex scandal. Multiple women have claimed he sexually abused and assaulted them. To make matters worse, some of his alleged victims were underage at the time the assaults were said to have taken place.
R Kelly is fighting back with a full arsenal!
R Kelly, who is facing sex crime charges in Chicago, has decided to fight back using the expertise of someone who knows sex crimes, and the victims, incredibly well. Nicole Blank Becker was, up until last year when she left, head of the sex crimes unit at the Macomb County Prosecutor’s Office. Becker told news media that this case is “the super bowl of sex crimes” and that her primary objective as a defense attorney is to ensure that R.Kelly’s rights are protected during the entirely of the investigation and criminal trial. That sounds strikingly similar to what the top rated criminal defense team at The Kronzek Firm has been saying for decades.
Becker is only one of R Kelly’s defense attorneys right now.
Becker, who brings years of experience prosecuting sex crimes to the table, joined R Kelly’s defense team, which consists of six defense attorneys. She practices criminal defense law, with an emphasis on sex crime defense, in Oakland County, where Becker runs her own law firm. But how did she end up defending a notorious sports figure and music artist? Apparently it was none other than Wayne County’s Judge Vonda Evans who had a connection to R Kelly, and recommended Becker, who’d appeared before her many times in Detroit.
The case started with a controversial documentary released early this year.
In January of this year, Dream Hamptom released her controversial documentary ‘Surviving R Kelly’ – a documentary which reveals the stories of many women who claim to have been sexually abused in some way by the star. From forced sexual encounters with other women, being “trained” for sex, being verbally abused and intimidated, the allegations are serious. Some of them even come from women who were underage at the time of the alleged assaults. But R Kelly denies them all.
Is R Kelly really guilty of these sex crimes?
When interviewed by the Detroit Free Press, Becker said, “There are definitely three sides to every story and the public at this point had only heard one.” It’s a reality we encounter every day in our work as Michigan sex crime defense attorneys – the fact that alleged victims only tell one version of a story – the version that that supports their reality. However there are always other facts, other details, that can change the way an encounter is perceived by a jury. And that’s the job of a skilled sex crime defense attorney – to reveal the other sides of those stories.
Be sure you have the best defense attorneys when fighting sex crime allegations!
If you’ve been accused of a sex crime here in the lower peninsula of Michigan, it’s wise to start protecting yourself even before charges are filed against you. Always take advantage of your right to have an aggressive sex crime attorney by your side from the very beginning of any criminal investigation! Never give in to pressure from police to give up your right to an experienced CSC sexual assault attorney. Here at The Kronek Firm, our phones are answered 24/7 at 866 766 5245 – so protect your future by calling us before you speak to ANYBODY about your case. We’ve helped hundreds of others accused of sex crimes in Michigan, and we can help you too!