A few months ago we shared with you some information about Dr. Larry Nassar and the unfortunate circumstances he is currently involved in. Dr. Nassar, an osteopathic physician specializing in sports medicine, was a faculty member at Michigan State University and the team physician for USA Gymnastics. However, in recent months, he has come under increasing fire regarding his alleged sexual assault of many women and girls over many years.
Since then, additional women have come forward with allegations of sexual assault against Larry Nassar and the charges have mounted. It all began in September of 2016, when the very first allegations were exposed following an investigation by the Indianapolis Star. Shortly thereafter, MSU fired Dr. Nassar and alleged victims began popping out of the woodwork.
In November, following another investigation, charges were brought against Dr. Nassar by the Michigan Attorney General’s Office. These included three counts of First Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct. In at least one of these cases, the victim is alleged to have been younger than 13.
According to Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette, his office was involved with multiple other jurisdictions and law enforcement officials in the investigation, including the FBI and U.S. Attorney’s Office. In addition, the Michigan State Police had assigned 11 full-time investigators to Nassar’s case
Larry Nassar was arrested and then granted a $1 million bond, which he paid.
However, his freedom was short lived. In December 2016, Nassar was arrested again, this time by federal officials on child pornography (kiddie porn) charges. According to court records, Nassar was accused of receiving, or attempting to receive sexually explicit images of children.
Additionally, he was accused of possessing one or more computer disks or files that contained thousands of child pornography pictures between 2003 and 2016. As a result he was charged with multiple counts of Possession of Child Pornography, and Receipt or Attempted Receipt of Child Pornography. After the arrest by federal officials, Nassar was denied bond and he is still held in detention.
On January 18, 2017, Dr. Nassar appeared in the Ingham County Circuit Court in Lansing for a hearing in the civil lawsuit against him. Filed in late November by Katherine Payne, one of his alleged victims, the lawsuit claims that Payne was assaulted repeatedly over the course of three years during medical procedures at MSU.
With regards to the federal hearings, Nassar is scheduled to appear in Federal Court on February 13, 2017 for the final day of pretrial conferences. Following that, Nassar’s federal trial will begin on February 21, 2017 We will continue to monitor this case, and bring you pertinent updates as it develops.
Until then, if you or a loved one have been accused of a sex crime in Michigan, you are going to need a highly skilled defense attorney who is familiar with how sex crimes need to be defended. At The Kronzek Firm we have decades of combined experience, and have obtained many excellent case results for our clients. We practice throughout Michigan defending people accused of sex related crimes. Call us immediately at 866 766 5245. Help is available 24/7 for emergencies.