What’s The Big Deal Anyway? Who Cares if I’m on The Sex Offender Registry? (Pt 1)

You think creepy clowns are bad? Wait till you get a load of the Michigan sex offender registry!


There’s always that one kid who, when they get assigned detention in school, blows it off like it’s not a big deal. “So what? Who cares? I don’t give a crap!” But deep down they probably do. It’s just that admitting their fear and frustration makes them feel “uncool” so they blow it off and act like it doesn’t matter.


In truth, a school detention probably doesn’t matter all that much (as long as you’re not getting them often). Especially in the big picture. But being put on the public Michigan sex offender registry really IS a big deal! Not sure why? Don’t worry, we’ll set you straight.


Everyone will know about it!


Sex crimes are a big deal. Whether it’s rape, child molestation, or coercing someone into prostitution, society in general thinks very poorly of people who’ve been convicted of sex crimes. And if you’ve been convicted of a sex crime in Michigan, then you’re going to end up on the Michigan sex offender registry.


So what, you say? Who cares? You should. Because the sex offender registry is public. Anyone living in your neighborhood can look you up on the registry. Which means getting the stink eye from your neighbors. People at your job whispering behind your back. Parents at your kid’s school trash-talking you. You can be alienated from many parts of society, and treated like a leper. Still think it doesn’t matter? We didn’t think so.


It’ll affect the way you parent your kids.


Being a registered sex offender means your access to other kids will be seriously limited. Why? Because sex offenders are considered untrustworthy, violent people. Parents don’t want convicted sex offenders around their children, so you won’t be able to volunteer when your kid goes on a field trip. Or become a Girl Scout or Boy Scout leader. Or get any kind of job at a daycare facility. You won’t even be allowed to coach sports.


Also, the sex offender registry has LOTS of rules you have to follow. One of those many rules is that you can’t be within 1,000 feet of a school. And that doesn’t just mean you have to steer clear of schools. It means you can’t BE that close to a school at all, for any reason, at any time. Think about it. You can’t live, work, or ‘loiter’ within 1,000 feet of a school. Those are some serious limitations. And not just from a parenting standpoint.


Being a registered sex offender will make your life hell!


No joke. Being on the Michigan sex offender registry is almost as bad as being in prison. You’re free, but you’re really not. There are rules that govern every aspect of your life, restrict everything you do and everywhere you go. They own you. And there’s nothing you can do about it. So if possible, we highly recommend doing everything you can to NOT be on the sex offender registry.


And how does one avoid being on the list? You hire a kickass criminal defense attorney, right from the start. You make sure that your case is handled by people who know exactly what they’re doing, and have done it well (REALLY well!) for decades. In short, you call the  experienced sex crime defense attorneys at The Kronzek Firm. We’re available 24/7 at 866 766 5245 (866 7No Jail). Because it’s about to get real.